Friday, 4 October 2013

The Liebster Award

Todays posts is on the Liebster award. My friend who I always talk about on her Brodie Nominated me. So thank you Brodie! I am excited about be tagged to do this as it is a way to discover new blogs.

Eleven Facts About Me
1. I started cheerleading in 2011 and have won 3 national titles in Australia for it. (2 in 2011 and 1 in 2012.

2. I have been with my amazing boyfriend for over 2 years and in January we moved in together. ( I moved out before my older sister!)

3. My family has weird patterns with birthdays! All my sibling one month minus 4 days apart from each other. My birthday is a week before my mother's and hers is a week before my father's. Along with my sister and I both being born on father's parents birthdays, I was born on my nana's and my sister on my grandpa's.

4. I broke my wrist/hand just before my year 12 exams. Which made me have to speaking them all including English, Chemistry and Math Methods.

5. I spent a month in Laos teaching English to children and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I really want to volunteer again!

6. I am so close to being finished my Undergraduate degree which is a Bachelor of Business and majoring Marketing.

7.  I am going to be in China for two weeks at the very end of November straight after my last exams.
8.  Last year I became an aunty to my niece Jade who is so adorable and she is the background on my phone so I can see her all the time.
9.I turned 22 about 2 weeks ago and I still haven't listened to the Taylor Swift song while being 22.

10. I created my YouTube Channel in 2010 and never posted anything until this year 2013.

11. Lastly I vegetarian for 3 years and 11 months. I only stopped because I was getting sick from it and my doctor told me to eat meat again.

Brodies Questions
1. Where did the inspiration for your blog name come from?
My name and adding beauy to the end.

2. If you could have any one person in the entire worlds closet and all of it's contents whose would it be & why?

I think I would want someone like Lauren Conrad or Ingrid aka missglamorazzi
3. What's your favourite mascara?

Benefit They're Real

4. Liquid or Pencil eye-liner?
Liquid, for sure. 

5. Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?

Well this is hard I would maybe like to be married, I would be 27 and would most likely been dating Kale for over 7 years. It sounds so strange to say that! I also hope to be a home owner, have a career cosmetic marketing. I hope to still have my blog going as I really enjoy blogging.

6. What's your favourite childhood memory?

That is so hard!! I had an amazing childhood and this because I have an sweet, caring and loving family. We took so many holidays, experienced all different sports and play silly but fun games! Plus I had pretty create friends to grow up with too. 

7. Signature Scent?

I don't have one! I wish I did, but I don't :( 

8. What is your favourite cruelty free brand?

Sukin as it is not only is it cruelty free it is also carbon neutral and most of the time organic. It's Australian too which I love!

9. What is your ideal night-in?
A really tasting dinner with kale and then lots of movies or a marathon of a television shows.  

10. Who is your favourite beauty-guru of all time?
This one is such a tough one! I would have to say it would be have to be tie between Allthatglitters, Missglamorazzi and Zoella. However I subscribed and have to watch so many more people's! 

11. What's your favourite drug-store and high-end brand?
My favourite drug store would have to be Maybelline for International and then for an Australian I can not go past Australis. Hight end I really enjoy Benefit and Nars. 

My Questions

1. What beauty product have you repurchased the most in your life? 
2. What age did you begin to wear make up? 
3. Where do you get your inspiration? 
4. Is your dream job beauty related? 
5. Favourite YouTuber? 
6. What made you decided to start your blog? 
7. Where will you been in 5 years? 
8. Drug store or high end? 
9. Fashion or make up? 
10. Which decade has the best make up style?
11. What is your favourite make up brand? 

I do not know many new blogs, my friends who have new blogs have all been tagged so feel free to tag yourself or contact me :) 

Briony xx

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