Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sample Queen #3 Jurlique Intense Recovery Mask

Hey all

I am attempting to get back into routine of my blog once again, since my life is starting to get a little of routine back into it. Anyway back on topic! This weeks sample that I used was the Jurlique Intense Recovery Mask. I think this was actually featured in one of box opening videos but I can't remember whether it was from Lust Have It or Bellabox.

The product says it was made in Australia which is awesome for us Aussie's. The mask you can really smell that is made from natural products and it smells kind of like herbs. It is a green mask and has a thin consistency. It is smooth and has no lumps or bumps which is a nice change.

The mask cost $100 for a 100ml. Which is a bit steep for be but it could always be a birthday present or gift. The price is a lot but I got a good two uses out of the 15ml that the sample was, there was also a little bit extra in the tube. So there should quite a few uses in the tube which makes it value.

Would I buy this mask again? Right now most likely not but only because I am still just a poor student!

Briony xx

1 comment:

  1. Did you feel any different afterwards?
    I need a good mask but I don't know -.-
