Friday, 3 October 2014

Hi and Life Update!

Hi guys!
I am know I haven't posted much recently and I know there is no excuses however I thought I would would update you on what has been happening in my life recently.

Work makeup a little bit of my outfit

1. I worked six weeks full time doing a temp job. While doing this I also worked my part-time jobs contracted hours on the weekend. Six weeks with no days off does take a toll on you, thus no regular posts.

Picture of my dessert on my birhtday. Thanks Sonia 

2. I had my birthday! I turned 23, I'm now officially in my mid twenties! Sah old!!

Our first meeting! 

Josh William 18.09.2014
3. I became an Auntie again!  My brother just welcomed to the world a beautiful son named Josh. I am in love with him!

The flight home. 
4. I went to New Castle, it was beautiful.

5. Also my boyfriend's grandmother made us the most amazing pillow ever!

Love Briony

New posts coming soon. Watch this space. xx


  1. That pillow is so cool! You also had a very eventful few months!
    Lets hope you can relax a little now
    Jessica x

  2. LOL~! The cats!!! hahahah Kale's grandma knows you guys well xD

  3. Mid 20s is 24-26 because that's in the middle of 20 and 30....still got some time to go yet.
