Friday, 23 May 2014

Sample Queen #9 NatraSan Instant Hand Sanitiser

Hey all

This NatraSan Antibacterial Instant Hand Sanitiser, I received in one of sample boxes I was subscribed to last year. It also made it's way into one of my favourites and most likely soon an empties. Chamomile & apple blossom is the scent I received, it smells amazing. There are other scents which I hope to one day find!

The Sanitiser is kind of hard to find online although I think I would be able to find it in an actual pharmacy. I hopefully will find some in an actual store and be able to share it with you. It is available on the bellabox website but that has a $8.95 shipping and the sanitiser is around $4.00. I hate when shipping is more expensive than the items I am buying, sigh.

The Sanitiser itself is amazing as it doesn't dry out your hands. I find if I use other ones too often I get sore fingers from over drying. You spray it one also which I think does help with not using more products than is needed.

Would I recommend it? Yes yes yes! Will I repurchase it? Yes as soon as I can find it as it is the best one I have tried!

Briony xx

1 comment:

  1. great post, I have the same problem with hand sanitizers- they always make my skin so dry! X

