Friday 2 May 2014

Flashback Friday #8

Hey all

Today we are going all the way back two 2010 valedictory dinner. This was when I first became addicted to YouTube and when I actually first created my Brionysbeauty YouTube account. I'm pretty sure I actually filmed a tutorial for this look but just never edited or uploaded it!

I really liked my makeup this night and I had a broken right wrist when I did this makeup so I think it was a pretty good job! although I think more of a lip colour would have been nice but thinking about it I don't think I could have applied it myself with a cast on. I would also maybe like my eyebrows to be slightly filled in just at the middle of them.

Two things about the makeup that I rarely do now is the black eyeliner in the water line which I have spoken about before. I am wanting to maybe try it again soon but maybe just to the middle of the eye, not the whole way. I need as much help as I can get to make my eyes looking bigger, so all the way makes them look tiny. Also can you see how much I highlighted on my brow bone! I do not really highlight very often under my eye. It draws attention to my  unplucked or untidy eyebrows! I think highlights can look really pretty but this is too white! I swear all the YouTubers always highlighted so I thought I had to as well!

Brodie is featured once again! 

Briony xx

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